Transfusion Medicine Case 81 May 3, 2023 pathadmin 568 Comments 1. Prepared by Katya Dombrowski, MD and reviewed by Lorraine N. Blagg, MA, MLS(ASCP)SBBClinical vignetteAn adult presents to the oncology clinic, where they are being treated for an adenocarcinoma. Labs show a hemoglobin of 4.9 g/dL and thepatient is urgently transfused with one unit of packed red blood cells. At the end of the transfusion, they develops a fever, chills, and rigors. A transfusion reaction work-up is initiated. Of note, the patient has previous history of red blood cell transfusion, most recently three weeks ago.Plasma: grossly hemolyzedTransfusion Line: slightly hemolyzedQuestion: How can the Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT) be negative if the antibody screen is positive?A. An autoantibody is presentB. The alloantibody is composed of mostly IgMC. The red blood cell is coated in tightly bound IgGD. The red blood cell is coated in complement Loading...